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Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS)


Slovak: [Administratívny a manažérsky systém (ADAMS)]


Providing, supplying, supervising, facilitating, or otherwise participating in the Use or Attempted Use by another Person of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method. However, this definition shall not include the actions of bona fide medical personnel involving a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method used for genuine and legal therapeutic purposes or other acceptable justification and shall not include actions involving Prohibited Substances which are not prohibited in Out-of-Competition Testing unless the circumstances as a whole demonstrate that such Prohibited Substances are not intended for genuine and legal therapeutic purposes or are intended to enhance sport performance.


Slovak: [podanie (látky alebo metódy)]

The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) is the independent body that manages all doping and non-doping integrity - related matters for the sport of athletics. The remit of the AIU includes anti-doping, the pursuit of individuals engaged in age or competition results manipulation, investigating fraudulent behavior with regards to transfers of allegiance, and detecting other misconduct including bribery and breaches of betting rules. It is the AIU’s role to drive cheats out of our sport, and to do everything within its power to support honest athletes around the world who dedicate their lives to reaching their sporting goals through dedication and hard work. AIU is fully separated from the IAAF, and reporting through its own Board, the Athletics Integrity Unit operates with the level of rigour and transparency expected by the world’s athletes and supporters.

Source: [Athletics Integrity Unit] https:// www.athleticsintegrity.org

Slovak: [Útvar integrity atletiky]

Athletics Integrity Unit
The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) is the independent body that manages all doping and non-doping integrity - related matters for the sport of athletics. The remit of the AIU includes anti-doping, the pursuit of individuals engaged in age or competition results manipulation, investigating fraudulent behavior with regards to transfers of allegiance, and detecting other misconduct including bribery and breaches of betting rules. It is the AIU’s role to drive cheats out of our sport, and to do everything within its power to support honest athletes around the world who dedicate their lives to reaching their sporting goals through dedication and hard work.

AIU is fully separated from the IAAF, and reporting through its own Board, the Athletics Integrity Unit operates with the level of rigour and transparency expected by the world’s athletes and supporters.

Source: [Athletics Integrity Unit] https:// www.athleticsintegrity.org

Slovak: [Útvar integrity atletiky]


CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) is a highly specialized arbitration court in sport. Provides arbitration procedures to facilitate the settlement of disputes relating to sport through arbitration or mediation through procedural rules tailored to the specific needs of the sporting environment. The primary task of the CAS is to resolve all legal disputes in the field of sport, including disciplinary procedures linked to anti-doping rule violations.


Slovak: [CAS (Športový arbitrážny súd)]

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) is a highly specialized arbitration court in sport. Provides arbitration procedures to facilitate the settlement of disputes relating to sport through arbitration or mediation through procedural rules tailored to the specific needs of the sporting environment. The primary task of the CAS is to resolve all legal disputes in the field of sport, including disciplinary procedures linked to anti-doping rule violations.


Slovak: [Športový arbitrážny súd (CAS)]


Higenamine (hygenamine) is classified as a banned substance from group S.3 Beta-2 agonists in the WADA List of Prohibited Substances and Methods, it is prohibited in- and out-of-competition.


Slovak: [higenamín]

Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA)
National Anti-Doping Organization established by law on July 03, 2017. POLADA has taken over all the responsibilities of the former Commission against doping in sport, created in 1993.

Source: [Polska Agencja Antydopingowa] https://www.antydoping.pl

Slovak: [Poľská antidopingová agentúra ]

Polish Anti-Doping Agency

Polish National Anti-Doping Organization (POLADA) established by law on July 03, 2017. POLADA has taken over all the responsibilities of the former Commission against doping in sport, created in 1993.

Source: [Polska Agencja Antydopingowa] https://www.antydoping.pl

Slovak: [Poľská antidopingová agentúra ]

Slovak Anti-Doping Agency
Slovak National Anti-Doping Organization established under law as indenpendent organisation of state administration on January 01, 2009. SADA has taken over all the historical responsibilities of the former Slovak Anti-Doping Committee as civic association, esthablished in 1992).

Source: [Slovak Anti-Doping Agency] https://www.antidoping.sk

Slovak: [Antidopingová agentúra Slovenskej republiky (ADA SR)]

Slovak Anti-Doping Agency (SADA)

Slovak National Anti-Doping Organization established under law as indenpendent organisation of state administration on January 01, 2009. SADA has taken over all the historical responsibilities of the former Slovak Anti-Doping Committee as civic association, esthablished in 1992).

Source: [Slovak Anti-Doping Agency] https://www.antidoping.sk

Slovak: [Antidopingová agentúra Slovenskej republiky (ADA SR)]

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